Tuesday, July 23, 2013

The girlification of a shelf house

This is one thing I found in Round Top. It was literally hidden off in a junk corner and covered in webs and dead doodlebugs.... but it's filthy appearance suited me well, cuz she looked it over disgustedly and said "$3?"
 Gabe, ever the gentleman, helped me wipe it down.....
 And then we splashed some new flair on it!
 The Mickey and Strawberry Shortcake were part of my 10 cent haul.....
 Me and the boy go round and round over my Superman finger puppet. He swears it's his but I distinctly remember buyin it from a young man named Micheal at a shop in Brenham, TX. My mom can back this story up...Doesn't matter to Gabe. I find this slot empty quite a bit and have to confront him.

 And they saw me takin pictures so of course they wanted in. Sarah's snaggletooth is killin me!
I love these little people :)


  1. great find. i love those little shelves shaped like houses. i have three and i keep my salt and pepper shakers in them!

    1. Have you done an S&P Collections post?! I can't remember.... gonna go back to your archives, or I'll wait for Friday night like I usually spend it, jk! (not really) ;)...I've got quite a few, a little village goin on in the front room. They're so fun!

  2. Those are so cute! My mom had one made our of a printers drawer when I was growing up! I loved it! She would buy little miniature dogs and such and put them in.

  3. I keep looking through my blog for this post I THOUGHT I had done about the knick-knack shelf I hang in the wall of my ridiculously cluttered "Geek Cave" It's supposed to be an "office" but I just go in there to look at all my old toys, so let's just call it what it is.

    Anyway, this particular shelf is dedicated to all the old plastic army men, rubber dinosaurs, robots, knights, skeletons, and other toy-box cast-offs. I could SWEAR that I featured it on my blog in great detail at one point... but I cannot find it. SO NOW... having seen this... I need to do that post. Love that you did this. I would personally have done without the pink... but we are different displayers... different collectors... and well... different sexes... so I get it. The end result is really cool though! Love the simplicity, the quaintness, the kitsch, the whole big-picture effect.

    What I've liked so far as I've been exploring your blog is how there doesn't seem to be a method to your madness until you put your seperate collected pieces together and all of a sudden there's this collage of toys and images that just look cool and comforting and classic and some 'C' word that also means "hip and modern".

    1. I hereby declare this comment the Grand Supreme Winner in the category of "Best comments EVER".... surprised to see a male in my spot... but it's not threatening. So, thanks. And welcome :)
      Please get right on that post about your knick-knack shelf.
      I am intrigued!

  4. I'm going to feature this post in one of my own next week sometime, probably Wednesday. I will be talking about my shelf, indeed... but I'd like to give you a shout out as the inspiration for doing it now that I realize I hadn't done it.

    With your permission I'd like to steal a couple of your pictures (with credit to you, and of course links to your blog) to use for the post. One picture of the shelf, one picture of you.

    It might send you some traffic, but I wouldn't hold your breath because my blog is by no means super popular or anything. I just like cross-promoting with other people's blogs from time to time, especially since so much of your blog is about thrift store finds... and I'm ALL about that.

    my e-mail is thegoodwillgeek(AT)hotmail(DOT)com. Shoot me an e-mail sometime. I'm readying some packages to send out to a handful of online friends, and I think I may have a few things I'd like to send you too. Nothing weird. Well maybe a little weird I guess. But that seems to be what you're into.

  5. HA HA!! For real, laughter that kinda hurt my "abs" when I read that I may get traffic!... still laughin, hold up....
    Ok. So of course that is fine, I am not grooming my blog to be a paying gig one day. I really do love the outlet and the community of it :)
    But geez, now I gotta stop slackin and blog more in preparation. You know, like when folks are cmin to your house and you gotta clean up a bit? ;)
    And THANKS for a proposed package! I sent Christmas gifts to my fave bloggers this year and have several packages waitin on the right moment for them, too (that's code for waitin on postage funds) I would be beyond thrilled to receive a mystery package and I do warn you, I play that game very well. ;) It's just too cool to send out weird crap into the regions of America I may never see.... It's like a piece of us goes forth (totally bein stupid!)
